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wager of battle

  • 1 wager of battle

    wager of battle
    Hist duelo judiciário.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wager of battle

  • 2 wager of battle

    wager of battle s JUR Br hist Aufforderung zum Zweikampf seitens des Beklagten, um seine Unschuld zu beweisen

    English-german dictionary > wager of battle

  • 3 wager of battle

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > wager of battle

  • 4 wager of battle

    истор. "спор боем", решение спора в личном поединке; предложение решения спора в личном поединке

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > wager of battle

  • 5 the wager of battle

    1) ист. судебный поединок, ордалия, "суд Божий" (выяснение виновности лица, подозреваемого в преступлении, путём поединка с обвинителем) [этим. ср.-в. лат. vadiatio duelli]
    2) уст. решение спора в личном поединке

    ...Harold and William met face to face in the great wager of battle. (E. Freeman, ‘The History of the Norman Conquest’, OED) —...в этой великой, решающей битве Гарольд и Вильгельм столкнулись лицом к лицу.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the wager of battle

  • 6 wager

    I. 1. бас, обзалагане, облог
    to lay/make a WAGER хващам се на бас, обзалагам се
    to take up a WAGER приемам бас/облог
    2. WAGER of battle ист. решаване на спор чрез двубой
    II. v обзалагам се
    * * *
    {'weijъ} n 1. бас, обзалагане, облог; to lay/make a wager хваща(2) {'weijъ} v обзалагам се.
    * * *
    обзалагане; облог; обзалагам се; бас;
    * * *
    1. i. бас, обзалагане, облог 2. ii. v обзалагам се 3. to lay/make a wager хващам се на бас, обзалагам се 4. to take up a wager приемам бас/облог 5. wager of battle ист. решаване на спор чрез двубой
    * * *
    wager[´weidʒə] I. v обзалагам се; II. n бас, обзалагане, облог; миза; \wager of battle ист. решаване на спор чрез двубой; \wager of law ист. оправдание на обвиняем (въз основа на клетви на свидетели); to lay a \wager обзалагам се.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > wager

  • 7 wager

    I ['weɪdʒə(r)]
    nome scommessa f.
    II ['weɪdʒə(r)]
    verbo transitivo scommettere [ money]
    * * *
    ['wei‹ə] 1. noun
    (a bet: We made a wager that he would win.) scommessa
    2. verb
    (to bet (something) on the chance of something happening: I'll wager (ten dollars) that I can jump further than you.) scommettere
    * * *
    wager /ˈweɪdʒə(r)/
    2 posta, puntata ( di una scommessa): to place (o to have o to lay) a wager on a horse, fare una scommessa su un cavallo
    ● (stor.) wager of battle, singolar tenzone ( come giudizio di Dio).
    (to) wager /ˈweɪdʒə(r)/
    v. t. e i.
    1 scommettere; fare una scommessa
    2 scommettere con (q.): He wagered me 10 pounds that I wouldn't win the race, ha scommesso con me 10 sterline che non avrei vinto la corsa.
    * * *
    I ['weɪdʒə(r)]
    nome scommessa f.
    II ['weɪdʒə(r)]
    verbo transitivo scommettere [ money]

    English-Italian dictionary > wager

  • 8 wager

    ['wei‹ə] 1. noun
    (a bet: We made a wager that he would win.) aposta
    2. verb
    (to bet (something) on the chance of something happening: I'll wager (ten dollars) that I can jump further than you.) apostar
    * * *
    [w'eidʒə] n 1 aposta. Hist duelo judiciário. name your wager / faça sua aposta. 2 parada, dinheiro ou objeto apostado. • vt+vi apostar, jogar. wager of battle Hist duelo judiciário.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wager

  • 9 wager

    ['wei‹ə] 1. noun
    (a bet: We made a wager that he would win.) stava
    2. verb
    (to bet (something) on the chance of something happening: I'll wager (ten dollars) that I can jump further than you.) staviti
    * * *
    stava, predmet stave; vložek; obsolete zalog, zastava, poroštvo
    wager of battle history poziv k dvoboju s strani obtoženca, da bi dokazal svojo nedolžnost
    wager of law juridically history rešitev, zaključek pravde s pomočjo zapriseženih prič;
    transitive verb
    staviti za, staviti na, staviti s kom ( that da); intransitive verb skleniti stavo, staviti; history ponuditi se za (dvo)boj

    English-Slovenian dictionary > wager

  • 10 wager

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > wager

  • 11 battle

    I. 1. бой, битка, сражение, прен. борба
    to do/join the BATTLE влизам в бой/сражение
    2. победа. успех
    II. 1. бия се, сражавам се
    2. боря се (with, agains с)
    to BATTLE for breath с мъка/едва си поемам дъх
    * * *
    {'batl} n 1. бой, битка, сражение; прен. борба; to do/join the(2) v 1. бия се, сражавам се; 2. боря се (with, agains с);
    * * *
    сражение; сражавам се; битка; боен; борба; бой; бия;
    * * *
    1. i. бой, битка, сражение, прен. борба 2. ii. бия се, сражавам се 3. to battle for breath с мъка/едва си поемам дъх 4. to do/join the battle влизам в бой/сражение 5. боря се (with, agains с) 6. победа. успех
    * * *
    battle[bætl] I. n бой, битка, сражение; прен. борба; maiden \battle първи бой; бойно кръщение; pitched \battle редовно сражение; general's \battle битка, в която стратегията и тактиката играят решаваща роля за победата; soldier's \battle битка, която се решава от храбростта на войниците; a \battle of wills конфликт, в който двете страни си измерват ината (волята); война на нерви; a \battle of words словесна престрелка; a running \battle постоянен конфликт, дългогодишна борба; youth is half the \battle младостта е залог за успех (победа); the \battle is to the strong победата е на силния; line of \battle воен. боен ред; the \battle lines are drawn позициите са изяснени и двете страни са готови да влязат в бой (конфликт); to do \battle сражавам се, боря се; drawn \battle безрезултатно сражение, бой без победител или победен; to fight a losing \battle водя безполезна (безнадеждна) борба; водя борба (битка) без изглед за успех (победа); to fight o.'s \battles over again преживявам отново миналото (събития от минали години); to fight o.'s own \battles справям се с трудностите, защитавам се сам; to win the \battle but lose the war печеля битката, но губя войната; wager of \battle ист., юрид. "Божи съд", дуел, който решава дали обвиняемият е виновен или не; to join \battle with завързвам сражение с; II. v бия се, сражавам се, водя бой; прен. боря се ( with, against); to \battle for breath с мъка си поемам дъх, едва си поемам дъх.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > battle

  • 12 wager

    1) истор. присяга
    2) пари | держать пари, заключать пари
    - wager of law

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > wager

  • 13 wager

    n. 내기, 내기에 건 돈(물건), \wager of battle 결투(에 의한)재판
    vt. (내기에)걸다

    English-Korean dictionary > wager

  • 14 wager

    s novac za okladu, ulog, oklada / [jur hist] #of law = rješenje parnice pomoću zaprisegnutih svjedoka; [hist] # of battle = rješenje spora osobnom borbom između zaraćenih stranaka ili pojedinaca
    * * *

    kladiti se

    English-Croatian dictionary > wager

  • 15 póliza apostadora

    • wager of battle
    • wager policy
    • wagering contract

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > póliza apostadora

  • 16 hólm-ganga

    u, f. ‘holm-gang, holm-going,’ a duel or wager of battle fought on an islet or ‘holm,’ which with the ancients was a kind of last appeal or ordeal; and wherever a Thing (parliament) was held, a place was appointed for the wager of battle, as the holm in the Axe River in the alþingi. The hólmganga differed from the plain einvígi or duel, as being accompanied by rites and governed by rules, whilst the latter was not,—þvíat á hólmgöngu er vandhæfi en alls eigi á einvígi, Korm. 84. The ancient Icel. Sagas abound in wagers of battle, chiefly the Korm. S. ch. 10 and passim: some champions were nicknamed from the custom, e. g. Hólmgöngu-Bersi (Korm. S.), Hólmgöngu-Starri, Hólmgöngu-Máni, Hólmgöngu-Hrafn, Landn. About A. D. 1006 (see Tímatal), the hólmganga was abolished by law in the parliament, on account of the unhappy feud between Gunnlaug Snake-tongue and Skald-Hrafn, Gunnl. S. ch. 11, cp. Valla L. ch. 5 (þá vóru af tekin hólmgöngu-lög öll ok hólmgöngur), referring to about A. D. 1010; a single instance however of a challenge in the north of Icel. is recorded after this date (about the year 1030–1040), but it was not accepted (Lv. S. ch. 30); the wager in Lv. ch. 17 was previous (though only by a few years) to the fight between Gunnlaug and Rafn. It is curious that Jón Egilsson, in his Lives of Bishops (written about A. D. 1600, Bisk. Ann. ch. 36, Safn i. 64), mentions a wager of battle between the parties of the two bishops, Jón Arason and Ögmund, on the old holm in the Axe River A. D. 1529; but the whole is evidently a mere reproduction of the tale of the Horatii in Livy. Maurer thinks that the two important acts of legislation, the institution of the Fifth Court in 1004 and the abolition of the ordeal of hólmganga a few years later, are closely connected, as the institution of the new court of appeal made the decision by battle superfluous. In Norway, if we are to believe Grett. S. ch. 21 (þá tók Eirekr af allar hólmgöngur í Noregi), the hólmgöngur were abolished about the year 1012. It is very likely that the tournaments of the Norman age, fought in lists between two sets of champions, sprang from the heathen hólmganga, though this was always a single combat. For separate cases see the Sagas, Korm. S. l. c., Gunnl. S. l. c., Eg. ch. 57, 67, Nj. ch. 24, 60, Landn. 2. ch. 13, 3. ch. 7, Rd. ch. 1, 19, Gísl. init., Glúm. ch. 4, Valla L. l. c., Hallfr. S. ch. 10. A curious kind of duel in a tub is recorded in Flóam. S. ch. 17, called kerganga, perhaps akin to the mod. Swed. fight in a belt. For England see Sir Edmund Head’s interesting notes to Glúm.
    COMPDS: hólmgönguboð, hólmgöngulög, hólmgöngumaðr, hólmgöngustaðr, hólmgöngusverð.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hólm-ganga

  • 17 судебный поединок

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > судебный поединок

  • 18 juicio de Dios mediante desafío

    • wageless
    • wager of battle
    • wager of law

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > juicio de Dios mediante desafío

  • 19 póliza de juego

    • gambling policy
    • wager of battle
    • wager policy
    • wagering contract

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > póliza de juego

  • 20 prueba del duelo

    • wageless
    • wager of battle
    • wager of law

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > prueba del duelo

См. также в других словарях:

  • Wager of battle — wager wa ger (w[=a] j[ e]r), n. [OE. wager, wajour, OF. wagiere, or wageure, F. gageure. See {Wage}, v. t.] [1913 Webster] 1. Something deposited, laid, or hazarded on the event of a contest or an unsettled question; a bet; a stake; a pledge.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wager of battle — Battle Bat tle, n. [OE. bataille, bataile, F. bataille battle, OF., battle, battalion, fr. L. battalia, battualia, the fighting and fencing exercises of soldiers and gladiators, fr. batuere to strike, beat. Cf. {Battalia}, 1st {Battel}, and see… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wager of battle — Etymology: translation of Medieval Latin vadiatio duelli : trial by battle defiant men, accepting the wager of battle D.D.Martin * * * wager of battle noun (law; historical) Trial by combat, a usage which permitted the accused and accuser, in… …   Useful english dictionary

  • wager of battle — noun historical a form of trial by which someone s guilt or innocence was decided by personal combat between the parties or their champions …   English new terms dictionary

  • wager — wa ger (w[=a] j[ e]r), n. [OE. wager, wajour, OF. wagiere, or wageure, F. gageure. See {Wage}, v. t.] [1913 Webster] 1. Something deposited, laid, or hazarded on the event of a contest or an unsettled question; a bet; a stake; a pledge. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wager of battel — wager wa ger (w[=a] j[ e]r), n. [OE. wager, wajour, OF. wagiere, or wageure, F. gageure. See {Wage}, v. t.] [1913 Webster] 1. Something deposited, laid, or hazarded on the event of a contest or an unsettled question; a bet; a stake; a pledge.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wager of law — wager wa ger (w[=a] j[ e]r), n. [OE. wager, wajour, OF. wagiere, or wageure, F. gageure. See {Wage}, v. t.] [1913 Webster] 1. Something deposited, laid, or hazarded on the event of a contest or an unsettled question; a bet; a stake; a pledge.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wager policy — wager wa ger (w[=a] j[ e]r), n. [OE. wager, wajour, OF. wagiere, or wageure, F. gageure. See {Wage}, v. t.] [1913 Webster] 1. Something deposited, laid, or hazarded on the event of a contest or an unsettled question; a bet; a stake; a pledge.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Battle — Bat tle, n. [OE. bataille, bataile, F. bataille battle, OF., battle, battalion, fr. L. battalia, battualia, the fighting and fencing exercises of soldiers and gladiators, fr. batuere to strike, beat. Cf. {Battalia}, 1st {Battel}, and see {Batter} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Battle piece — Battle Bat tle, n. [OE. bataille, bataile, F. bataille battle, OF., battle, battalion, fr. L. battalia, battualia, the fighting and fencing exercises of soldiers and gladiators, fr. batuere to strike, beat. Cf. {Battalia}, 1st {Battel}, and see… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Battle royal — Battle Bat tle, n. [OE. bataille, bataile, F. bataille battle, OF., battle, battalion, fr. L. battalia, battualia, the fighting and fencing exercises of soldiers and gladiators, fr. batuere to strike, beat. Cf. {Battalia}, 1st {Battel}, and see… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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